Repeat of History

2 min readFeb 25, 2021

History will always repeat its self, whether we go back to 1619 or we fast forward to 2019. One minute they will be hahahah jejeje with us and the next minute we may be on a ship to hell or in a cell of death. They use to whip us to control us, get us to speak, lie on one another, just for fun and finally to end our life. Now they have guns and use it not for fun but to end us. We are a minority that are hunted everyday. I look back through history when ever I get the chance (some may think I was obsessed) and I can’t seem to find what we had done to be hated and treated the way we were and still are treated.

Have you ever heard of coloured or black people invading a country or holding people against there will. I am not saying that black people are saints. But I am just stating that we were treated like animals and it has not changed and will never change.

When we decide to speak up, we are told that we are disrespectful and put in our place. Then our family status is mentioned. “I too come from a broken family”. Even if your family is not broken, they think all coloured and black people have broken families. They believe that all coloured women are single mothers. When in reality, if you open your eyes and observe your surroundings, you’ll notice that this is not true; and the majority of white people (I hate to call them that but what else can I call them) are divorced.

Occasionally we come across people who will remind us that we do not belong here (“go back to your country”). But they forget that their ancestors were the one’s that brought us here. In fact invaded, stole and forced us to come here. They forget that their grandparents when they retire, they move to other countries and people welcome them in.

Nothing hurts more than hearing a white person saying that they feel like they are a black person trapped inside a white person’s body. Because they never will face the struggles that we go through. From being called a monkey to being told that we are not intelligent due to our complexity of our skin.

